The preschool program is a wonderful stepping stone in preparation for Kindergarten. A routine is in place to ensure that children are exposed to many aspects of a classroom setting.
The classroom is warm and inviting and features well organized areas that consist of blocks and building, creative expression, make believe and role playing, reading and listening and an area for cognitive learning which includes puzzles and small manipulative items.
Language, numeracy and music are incorporated throughout the day. There are ample opportunities for large and small group play with emphasis on play based learning. This fosters collaboration amongst the group, through investigating and co-learning .Teacher’s not only participate in the play but observe and document the experiences of the children’s skill building achievements.
This information is posted in the center and shared with parents. We believe that learning is not limited to the classroom. Using our large outdoor playground and green space as an extension, we try to instill the value of nature in all aspects of learning and encourage the children to investigate and explore our natural world.