We offer Before and After School care for children enrolled in JK/SK at Billy Green and St. Paul Elementary Schools.
A staff member will safely escort a group of children to and from school at the specific bell times. A healthy snack is provided before and after school . The program runs out of a classroom setting geared towards school readiness. It provides the same furnishings and materials as a preschool room with added activities that are challenging and appropriate for their age and development.
A portion of the afternoon is spent outdoors weather permitting allowing for gross motor play. This includes exposure to the natural green space to further stimulate development.
This program is a safe and positive environment to interact with each other and to further develop their social skills.
For an additional cost on the following days we offer full-day care; P.A. days, Christmas, and March Break. Use of this care is offered on a first come first serve basis and is limited to our licensed capacity. For these days special activities and trips are planned. For more information please click here.